About the Adult ELL Pathway To Literacy Program

Who are we?

The Pathway to Literacy initiative grew out of an apparent gap in resources and services for adult English AND literacy learners. With the vision and leadership of Ginger Kosobucki (Immigrant Welcome Center) and Kari Moore (Exodus Refugee Immigration), deep collaboration among Indianapolis-area adult education providers and individual teachers began. The team has been working together to research, design, develop, and pilot a tiered language and literacy program for beginning adult English Learners.

To see the overview, plan, and rationale behind the Adult ELL Pathway to Literacy Initiative, click here.

We stand on the shoulders of giants!

We are indebted to the intense work of those who have gone before us in this endeavor! We have consulted and culled resources extensively from the following groups:

We are grateful for our supporters!

We'd love to hear from you!

Questions or suggestions?

Contact us at adultELLliteracyIndy@gmail.com.

*If you notice broken links, please notify us so that we can fix them =) *

Cindy Sibert, formerly Catholic Charities

Marian Fox, Exodus Refugee Immigration

Cindy Reinhard, Indy Reads

Lori Eades, Central Nine Career Center

Kari Moore, Exodus Refugee Immigration

Ginger Kosobucki Immigrant Welcome Center

Mary Lou Cox, Washington Township

Liz Marcello, Instructional Designer